When will international travel resume in Australia?
There are many thousands of people who are wanting to travel to and from Australia. All are wondering: when will international travel resume in Australia?
Historically, more people immigrate to, than emigrate from Australia. This contributes to the net growth of the Australian population.
Various waves of migrants from numerous countries over time have had an important positive effect on the diversity of Australia’s culture and population.
Australia is one of the most successful multicultural nations in the world. It is one reason it has become a popular destination for students, migrants and tourists.
Around 30% of people living in Australia were born overseas according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics. As a result, a large percentage of the population has one or more relative outside the country.
I’m sure you’re with me on this one…
All countries are fighting hard to contain the spread of the coronavirus. Australia has handled the pandemic very successful compared with many other countries.
Australia is ranked eighth place in a review of the best-performing nations in overcoming the pandemic. Seven in ten Australians are broadly satisfied with how our governments are handling the pandemic according to a coronavirus tracking survey by Insightfully.
International travel ban in Australia
There is no doubt that one of the best measures that Australia has taken to reduce the spread of the coronavirus is the closure of its international borders. It has been a difficult action and has had a major impact on many levels.
The ban has stopped the travel plans of many people wishing to leave Australia. Hundreds of families are separated domestically and internationally. Also, many Australian citizens remain stranded overseas and have been unable to return.
To keep up with travel bans around the world and global travel limitations by other governments visit the website Travelbans. Data shown are for guidance only as the situation is evolving rapidly.

Border restrictions
Not only has Australia placed controls on entry to the country but also some state governments have reduced travel between states.
This measure has helped contain potential sources of contagion and has prevented the rapid spread within Australia.
However, over the past months, these domestic border restrictions have changed a number of times. For this reason, COVID travel limitations change rapidly.
We suggest you check the latest conditions with your local state government websites for updated information.
Why we can not travel overseas from Australia right now?
Australia has severe border measures in place to guard the health of the community. This includes a ban on all overseas travel from Australia.
In other words, you cannot leave Australia unless you have an exemption from the Department of Home Affairs.
When can international students travel to Australia?
Australian states and territories are working with universities, colleges and education providers. Especially following Australia’s public health advice.
Implementing a welcome international student back, through pilot programs.
– If you are yet to receive your student visa, you are welcome to apply and start your studies online. This way, when borders re-open you can travel to Australia and continue your studies.
– If you hold a student visa but are not in Australia, you are encouraged to continue studying online while travel restrictions are still in place.
Online study will count towards your studying requirements in both situations.
Here’s the interesting part…
– International education makes a significant contribution to GDP and was Australia’s third-largest export.
– International education contributed $37.6 billion to the Australian economy.
– Last financial year and moreover supports 240,000 jobs. It creates business opportunities and stimulates economic growth.
The diaspora community plays an essential role in Australia. In these unusual times, many people have uncertainty about the future. COVID-19 has impacted some Australian visa holders.
It has also delayed processing of those who are waiting to be issued their Australian visa. Check our blog What will Australia’s Immigration look like after the pandemic?
When I will be able to travel internationally?
Aussies can eventually look forward to travelling overseas. However, the list of permitted destinations is expected to remain limited for some time.
There are no definitive plans yet to remove any restrictions. According to Health Minister Greg Hunt, Australia’s overseas travel ban is expected to run until mid-2021.
The pandemic is unpredictable and this date may change or be extended without prior notice. The travel ban means that you cannot leave Australia for non-essential reasons.
But that’s not all…
We don’t know if the vaccine will prevent the transmission of the virus. The quarantine will likely be a mandatory preventive measure throughout 2021.
The tourism industry has lost billions of dollars so far. Qantas plans to restart its international flight calendar from July 2021 onwards but it is unclear if international borders will be open by then.

Can you travel around Australia?
Yes! In all states, you can currently visit regional areas and stay campgrounds, hostels and hotels or within your own state.
Depending on local outbreaks, travel to some areas may be reduced or subject to quarantine rules.
You can find the latest information on travel within your state and advice on inter-state travel at the following state government websites:

When will I get to see my family oversea again?
Australia has managed the pandemic well. For now, Australia is in a recovery stage, making sure that it has all the security measures in place to allow the entry and exit of people again.
Long distances can make things even harder for people with family members in other countries. In Australia, we have already passed the most difficult part of the pandemic.
With the vaccine, the outlook is beginning to improve for travellers. Right now, maintain connections with your loved ones as much as possible.
Although the outlook for international travel is still uncertain, technology is one way to help you feel that you are closer to your loved ones.
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